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String Orchestra

Orchestra Class is offered for students of any music ability level.This year-long course is designed with the intention that students learn the skills to excel in music performance on one of the instruments in the String Orchestra, which are: violin, viola, cello or string bass. Students will learn the basic information on reading, creating, and making music on a particular string instrument and doing it collaboratively and cooperatively with other students in the course.  

Orchestra students will be exposed to music of several different genres from classical music to the music of today. Students in Orchestra will do seasonal concerts in December, March, and May to showcase to the school and community what was learned in class.

Students are encouraged to sign up for this course, regardless of their music background or previous experience with a string orchestra instrument.


Students who wish to participate in the orchestra will need to have an individual instrument (violin, viola, cello, or string bass) to use at home and school.  Florence One Schools offer instruments for student use for a rental fee or students can make other arrangements to rent or purchase an instrument for individual use. 

Contact Information

Mr. Mark Jackson

Orchestra, Piano, and Guitar Instructor

John W. Moore Middle School

If you have an interest in any of these courses, please contact Mr. Jackson at to discuss these program opportunities that I offer at John W. Moore MS.
